New book released, Beyond Evolution Unraveling Intelligent Design in Nature´s Blueprint by Dr Richard Ochieng and Dr. Lencer Ndede


Bio Cosmos Africa is proud to publish the book “Beyond Evolution: Unraveling Intelligent Design in Nature’s Blueprint”, one of the first works on Intelligent Design
authored by African scientists. We extend our deepest gratitude to the authors, Dr. Ochieng’, currently the Chair and CEO of BioCosmos Kenya, and Dr. Ndede, who serves as the Chair of the BioCosmos Kenya Student Clubs sub-committee.

Recognizing the significant need for literature on Intelligent Design from an African perspective, BioCosmos Africa initiated this project, entrusting African scientists with the task of elucidating the scientific theories and methodologies underlying Intelligent Design. The authors embraced this challenge and have delivered an outstanding contribution to the field.

The book explains key methods central to the theory of Intelligent Design which includes Abductive reasoning , a method widely used across scientific disciplines; irreducible complexity , which challenges the concept of stepwise evolution; and complex and specified information, which argues for the necessity of an intelligent source. The book makes a compelling case for Intelligent Design across various scientific fields.

One of the most persuasive pieces of evidence for cosmic design, as highlighted in the book, is the fine-tuning of the Big Bang, which set the foundation for life on Earth. Renowned astronomer Fred Hoyle, who coined the term “Big Bang,” famously remarked that “a common-sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super-intellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology.” The authors also thoroughly explain the fine-tuning of the four fundamental forces, which influence everything in the cosmos and define the primary characteristics of our universe. A particularly engaging chapter in the book explores examples in nature that suggest intelligent causation, using African animals such as the giraffe, the termite, and the wildebeest to illustrate these concepts in a compelling way. The book also addresses significant gaps in biology textbooks across Africa, revealing a pressing need for revisions and updates, particularly in biology education.

“Beyond Evolution: Unraveling Intelligent Design in Nature’s Blueprint”points to the fact that many features of the universe and life are best explained by an intelligent cause, following the evidence wherever it leads. Intelligent Design is a scientific theory, grounded in rigorous scientific methods, even when the evidence leads outside the materialistic framework.

Mr. Dag Kristoffer Norli
Chair/ CEO BioCosmos Africa


Foreword i

Endorsements ii

Chapter One 

1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Definition of Intelligent Design 3

1.1.1 Selected contributions to the definition of Intelligent Design by sampled ID scholars 3

1.2 Difference between Intelligent Design and Creationism  4

1.3 Overview of Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism 5

1.4 The Concepts of Microevolution and Macroevolution  6

1.5 Reasons for Teaching Intelligent Design in Formal Institution in Africa 8

Chapter Two 

2.0 Design Detection Methods 10

2.1 Scientific Methods 10

2.1.1 Example of the Application of the Scientific Method in Intelligent Design 11

2.2 Abductive Reasoning 11

2.2.1 An Example of Basic Abductive Reasoning in Everyday Life  13

2.2.2 Use of Abductive Reasoning for the Case of DNA as Evidence of

Intelligent Design  13

2.3 Explanatory Filter  14

2.4 Irreducible Complexity  15

2.4.1 Examples of Irreducible Complexities in Biological Systems  16 Bacterial Flagellum – A Marvel of Intelligent Design. 16 The Blood Clotting Cascade.. 18

2.5 Complex and Specified Information 19

2.5.1 Chance Elimination and Pattern Recognition 19

2.5.2 Role of Complexity and Simplicity  20

2.5.3 Recognizing Patterns that Signal Design 22

2.5.4 Systems and Functions with Complex and Specified Information  23 The DNA. . 23 Complexity of DNA. 23 Specificity of DNA. 24 Information Content in DNA. 25 Functionality and Interdependence. 25

2.5.5 Protein Folding: A Case of CSI and Intelligent Design 26

Chapter Three 

3.0 Positive Case for Intelligent Design 28

3.1 Definition of Intelligent Design’s Positive Case Argument 28

3.1.1 Biochemistry  28

3.1.2 Paleontology  29

3.1.3 Systematics 31 Complexity of Biological Systems 31 Information Content in DNA 31 Irreducible Complexity 31 Convergence in Biological Designs 32 Biological Information and Taxonomic Discontinuities 32 Fine-Tuning of Ecological Niches 32 Origin of Life and Biological Information. 32

3.1.4 Genetics  32 Irreducible Complexity in Genetic Systems 33 Genetic Regulatory Networks 33 Decoding Noncoding DNA. 34

3.1.5 Physics 35

Chapter Four 

4.0 Design in the Origin and Operation of the Universe  37

4.1 Finetuning of the Universe 37

4.1.1 The Cosmic Mass and Intelligent Design: Fine-Tuning for Life 39

4.1.2 Cosmic Scale: A Delicate Balance for Life’s Flourishing 42

4.1.3 From Primordial Hydrogen to Complex Life: The Crucial Role of

Cosmic Age in Cosmic Development 43

4.1.4 Cosmic Inflation and the Foundations of Life-Supporting Universe 44

4.2 Big Bang Theory and Cosmic design 45

Chapter Five 

5.0 The Origin and Development of Life  48

5.1 The Origin of Genes and Proteins 48

5.2 The First Living Being: The Miller-Urey Experiment  49

5.3 The Nano Machineries of Life – Evidence of Intelligent Design  50

5.3.1 Bacterial Flagellum: A Nano Machinery of Life: 51 Deciphering Evolutionary Paths: Flagellum vs. Type Three Secretory System 53

5.3.2 ATP Synthase  54

5.3.3 Kinesin and Dynein as Exemplars of Nano Machineries in Cellular Transport 56

5.3.4 DNA Replication Machinery 58

5.3.5 Ribosomes: Nano Machineries of Precision and Design in Cellular Protein Synthesis 60

5.3.6 A Debate on Darwin’s Challenge and Intelligent Design 62

Chapter Six 

6.0 The Gaps in the Fossil Record and Case for Intelligent Design 64

6.1 Overview 64

6.2 Reevaluating the Gradual Development Paradigm 64

6.3 Instances of Missing Transitional Fossils 64

6.4 Analyzing Anthropological Narratives on Human Origins: Uncovering Fragmentation 65

6.4.1 Case Studies: Ardipithecus ramidus and Australopithecines 66

6.5 Exploring Alternative Explanations: Intelligent Design 66

6.6 The Concept of Punctuated Equilibrium 67

6.7 Population Genetics and the Waiting Time Problem 67

6.8 Conclusion 67

Chapter Seven 

7.0 Examples in Nature that Points to Intelligent Causation 69

7.1 The Galápagos finches: A Case of Intelligent Design, Microevolution and Not Macroevolution 69

7.2 From Bears to Whales: Darwin’s Hypothesis and the Evolutionary Feasibility of Cetaceans 71

7.3 Unveiling Intelligent Design: Complexity and Purpose in the World of Termites 74

7.4 The Ingenious Design Behind Bombardier Beetle’s Chemical Warfare 77

7.5 The Marvel of Giraffe Blood Pressure Regulation 79

7.6 Exploring the Design and Adaptation of Serengeti Wildebeests: Insights into Intelligent Design in Nature 81

7.7 The Intricate Metamorphosis of Butterflies: A Testament to Deliberate Design 84

Chapter Eight 

8.0 Sampled gaps in the Biology Textbooks in Africa 87

Chapter Nine

9.0 Conclusion 90

References 91